Bone Framework
It be yet another PHP framework swashbuckling onto the scene!
About Bone
Be ye wantin a DIC middleware based framework peppered with local pirate lingo? It be the most awesome framework in the seven seas! Garr!
composer create-project delboy1978uk/boneframework your/path/here

Factory Packages
Truly modular package structure utilising PSR-11 DIC factories
Create layered middleware applications that use PSR-15 compatible code
HTTP Messages
Built to consume PSR-7 HTTP messages, simplify your workflow
An powerful and easy to use middleware based routing library
Supports i18n out of the box using
gettext `.po` files
Command Line Interface
Create CLI commands in your packages, which register to the bone command

Download Bone Framework
You can download the Bone MVC source code by browsing over to Github. But we recommend you install Composer and do it that way.
Visit GithubContribute
We're always looking for contributors to help make Bone Framework even better.
If you like Bone and would like to help contribute in its ddevelopment, fork it and get on board!