Bone Framework

It be yet another PHP framework swashbuckling onto the scene!

Sur Bone

Be ye wantin a DIC middleware based framework peppered with local pirate lingo? It be the most awesome framework in the seven seas! Garr!

composer create-project delboy1978uk/boneframework your/path/here

Factory Packages

Truly modular package structure utilising PSR-11 DIC factories


Create layered middleware applications that use PSR-15 compatible code

HTTP Messages

Built to consume PSR-7 HTTP messages, simplify your workflow


An powerful and easy to use middleware based routing library


Supports i18n out of the box using
gettext `.po` files

Command Line Interface

Create CLI commands in your packages, which register to the bone command



Nous sommes toujours à la recherche de contributeurs pour aider Bone Framework à être encore meilleur.
Si vous aimez Bone et souhaitez contribuer à son développement, rejoignez-le!

[email protected]